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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. June 1 2017. 大卫·B. 霍林



当我们听到“可持续实践”这个词时," we tend to think of conserving precious resources - water, coastline, trees, 野生动物——为了子孙后代. 可持续性不仅如此.

bet8体育娱乐入口 will delve deep into the topic this fall as part of the school's second annual 主题的学期. 通过改进课程和相关活动, instructors and students will approach sustainability from multiple angles.

"Sustainability isn't only about preserving our environment but could also be about preserving our relationships with each other,玛丽莎·希门尼斯说, executive director of the Office of 学术成就 Initiatives and Support. “社会可持续性, 例如, refers to practices that are inclusive and help build and maintain resilient communities where all have a voice. And we'll need to work collaboratively to remain resilient locally and globally."

Each fall, 主题的学期 offers an array of courses clustered around a topic that resonates with the human experience. ODU launched the multidisciplinary initiative in 2021, when the theme was Arts and Social Justice.

For 2022, 教务处奖励1美元,17名教员每人000美元, who have redesigned their courses to include projects or events related to sustainability, 希门尼斯说. 您可以阅读每个项目的详细信息 主题学期网站.

This fall's themed courses include (instructors' names in parentheses):

  • ARTS 495:主题. (Natalia Pilato)
  • GEOG 420/520: Marine Geography: GIS for a Blue Planet (Tom Allen)
  • IDT 749/849: Designing Effectively for Sustainability (John Baaki, Brett Cook-Snell)
  • MGMT 427:业务 & 《bet8九州登录入口》(杰伊·奥图尔)
  • NURS 472/3:医疗保健系统中的护理, and HLTH 101: Introduction to Health Professions (Beth Tremblay, 贾尼斯·霍金斯, Leanne白色)
  • PHIL 250:世界宗教(Nicole Willock)
  • PRTS 475: Sustainable Tourism Management (Lindsay Usher)
  • SEPS 495: Sustainability and the Fashion Industry (Sharon Davis, Joy Kelly, 麦克康纳, 迈克尔Kosloski, Dee Hamlet, 沙龙Joyner)
  • WMST 303/ENGL 395:酷儿研究(kathleen Rhodes)

Here's a brief look at the projects of three faculty members:

与PHIL 250(世界宗教)有关, Willock will screen the 2019 film "Ganden: A Joyful Land" at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 14点在大学剧院. The movie's director and producer, Ngawang Choephel, will take the stage afterward for a Q&A session. 7点开门,欢迎更广泛的社区.

"Ganden" documents the difficult journey of the Tibetan Buddhist monks of Ganden Monastery. After years of worsening oppression by the Chinese government and military, 他们于1959年逃往印度. 很快,他们拥有数百年历史的修道院被摧毁了. Viewers will learn how the monks have sustained their community in a new land.

"The film imagines what it would be like if you had to leave your home tomorrow and move to a foreign country,威尔洛克说. “你会怎么做??"

Her students will use the film for a thought paper on religious diversity and how religious identity helps bond communities in shared history and practices.

在MGMT 427(业务 & Society), O'Toole will invite his students to explore and discuss competing perspectives on such questions as the social and environmental costs of a business system based on shareholder primacy. This writing-intensive course requires students to complete assignments every week and submit a well-researched opinion piece to The Virginian-Pilot's op-ed page.

“通过业务 & 社会课程, I hope my students will not only learn about the significant role businesses play in creating a sustainable future but also that, 作为我们未来的领导者, 他们个人有责任塑造这样的未来,奥图尔说.

In GEOG 420/520 (Marine Geography: GIS for a Blue Planet), Allen will assign a class project on coastal sustainability. In the process he and his students and partners will revive ODU's 2019 蓝线项目.

"Students of marine geography will be preparing sea level rise awareness maps for neighborhoods around Hampton Roads,艾伦说. "Using the best scientifically available sea level projections and digital geographic (GIS) data, they will map out the current and future high-tide lines in 20, 40岁和60岁.

"Then, during the annual 'king tide' flooding that occurs in late October this year, the community and other organizations will be invited to see these areas in person to facilitate a vision of the future ... when flooding can occur even without the effect of a king tide, owing to sea level rise."

More 主题的学期 events will be posted later; check University Announcements or the 主题学期网站 查阅最新资料.

Across campus and in the community, expect to hear plenty of talk about sustainability this fall. Many of those conversations are likely to emerge from the 45th annual ODU 文学节, 定于10月10日举行. 2-6. 今年的主题是“可持续社区”. 详情将于近期公布.



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