
口腔卫生学院已经实施了许多安全预防措施,符合目前疾病预防控制中心的指导方针,感染控制在牙科保健机构. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for students, patients, 教师, and 工作人员. 许多安全措施已经实施,包括HEPA过滤和UV-C消毒空气净化器, increased plexiglass barriers, additional personal protective equipment (PPE), screening of all people who enter the clinic, 和更多的.

我们的目标是教牙科卫生专业的学生为我们的病人提供高质量的预防保健, 并研究医疗保健问题,这将使我们的职业保持在科学知识的前沿. Our services are available to Old Dominion University students, 教师, 工作人员 and the local community.


牙科卫生学院的治疗非常彻底,比私人牙科诊所进行得慢,因为病人护理是由学生在教学/学习环境中提供的. 预防 treatment appointments are usually 1.5到3个小时,许多患者需要不止一次的访问才能完成服务. 临床工作人员意识到病人的时间是宝贵的,并努力将病人必须进行的预约次数控制在最低限度.

Patients age 5 and older are welcome. 所有18岁以下的病人必须由父母或负责任的成年人陪同,他们可以在等候区进行整个预约.

We are unable to provide childcare services at the school; therefore, it is necessary to have someone care for your child while you are being treated.

Facility Details

牙科保健中心的开放时间为9月至6月,除 holidays, semester breaks, and Spring and Summer vacation. Facility hours vary from semester to semester according to program schedules; however, appointments are generally available during morning, afternoon and evening hours.

我们的设施位于46街1090号健康科学大楼的一楼, on the campus of Old Dominion University. The entrance to the clinic is on 46th Street. 停车 is limited; please allow extra time before your appointment to find a parking space.

服务 provided

医疗 & dental history; blood pressure; head and neck exam; oral cancer screening; periodontal disease; radiographic (x-rays); oral and systemic risk; and dental caries (cavities).

Oral prophylaxis, periodontal therapy, dental sealants, fluoride application, mouth guard, desensitization, tooth whitening, health education, laser bacterial reduction therapies.


Code Description of Treatment
A1 Calculus Class 1 35.00
A2 Calculus Class 2 40.00
A3 Calculus Class 3 50.00
A4 Calculus Class 4 80.00
A5 Calculus Class 5 100.00
D1120 Prophylaxis-Child 20.00
D0191 Assessment of a patient—fully edentulous patient 15.00
D9310 办公室会诊-对有特殊问题但不需要治疗的病人进行筛查或有限检查 15.00
  诊断 Imaging  
D0210 Intraoral—complete series of radiographic images (14-22) 35.00
D0220 Intraoral—periapical first radiographic image 5.00
D0230 Intraoral—periapical each additional radiographic image 5.00
D0240 Intraoral—occlusal radiographic image 5.00
D0270 Bitewing—single radiographic image 5.00
D0272 Bitewing—two radiographic images 10.00
D0274 Bitewing—four radiographic images 20.00
D0277 Vertical Bitewing—seven to eight images 25.00
D0330 Panoramic radiographic image 25.00
  Non-Surgical Periodontal 服务  
D4381 Localized delivery of antimicrobial agents into diseased crevicular tissue-per tooth


placement fee

D4999 Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy—full mouth 15.00
D1206 Topical application of fluoride varnish—Adults and Children 10.00
D1351 Sealant—per tooth 6.00
  Miscellaneous 服务  
D9910 Application of desensitizing medicament 10.00
D9941 Fabrication of athletic mouthguard 15.00
D9975 External bleaching for home application (w/custom trays) 100.00
D9999 Unspecified adjunctive procedure, by report (bleaching material refill) 25.00


费用是根据旧道明大学批准的最新牙科卫生诊所收费表进行评估的. 费用 will be reviewed with patients prior to beginning of treatment.

Full payment is due at the first visit.

Expenses for services will be $25 and up. Payments for radiographs, fluoride and sealants are due at the time service is rendered.

We accept VISA, 万事达卡, 发现, 美国运通, personal checks, or cash (in exact amount) as forms of payment.

ODU students, 教师, 工作人员, active military (with current ID), 那些有经济困难证明和62岁及以上的人有资格获得5美元.00 discount.


  • 社会保障或补充保障收入(SSI),附有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Temporary Assistance for Need Families (TANF) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Medicaid recipients with current award letter and photo ID

*A discount would apply only to individuals listed on current award letters.

注意: If 5 months has elapsed since the beginning of treatment, a new fee will be charged and the appointment will be treated as a re-care.

*Refunds are processed through the University Accounts Payable Department (AP). 退款将由诊所办公室经理执行,并必须得到临床事务主任的批准. Refunds are not processed for partial treatment provided.

The dental hygiene students have established schedules for patient care. Since the goal is quality dental hygiene care within a teaching/learning environment, 患者应该明白这是一个教育环境,学生的学习经验和进步取决于患者的充分合作. Everyone's time is valuable. If for some reason a patient is unable to keep an appointment, advance notice of 24 hours is required to allow the student to schedule other patients. Patients with two cancellations or no-shows will be inactivated from the care facility.

Patients may be dismissed/inactivated from the Dental Hygiene Clinic if:

  1. Two (2) appointments are cancelled for any reason.
  2. Two (2) appointments are missed without notification.
  3. 因为我们的最终目标是用可接受的教学病人来教育学生,如果教师认为病人不适合我们的教学诊所, or if a patient fails to comply with policies, the patient will be dismissed, inactivated, and referred to a community clinic or private sector.


We thank you for making an appointment with us and look forward to working with you.

牙科保健机构工作人员的目标是帮助个人消除和预防口腔疾病,保持最佳健康状态. The facility is 工作人员ed and supervised by licensed dental hygienists and dentists. Dental hygiene students, provide the oral health care, 接受过广泛的教育和培训,并在治疗公众之前具备临床服务能力.

Patients in the Dental Hygiene Clinic at Old Dominion University have the right, consistent with the law, to:

  1. Courteous, respectful, and confidential treatment
  2. 符合专业护理标准的治疗,包括使用适当的感染控制
  3. Inspect their patient record and any radiographs taken
  4. Advanced knowledge of fees and services
  5. Explanation of recommended treatment, alternate treatment options, and explanation of risks with no treatment
  6. Participate in the planning of treatment (informed consent)
  7. Refuse recommended treatment (informed refusal)
  8. Continuity of care or referral for continued care
  9. 参与实验研究前的书面知情同意和拒绝参与的权利
  10. Provide feedback, 评论, or complaints about treatment using the confidential Patient Satisfaction Survey

  1. 口腔卫生诊所不提供牙齿检查或修复需要的诊断. 服务 such as fillings, 冠, root canals, extractions, 分音, or dentures are NOT provided in the Dental Hygiene Clinic. A dentist must provide these services.
  2. 如果病人有医疗或牙科问题,需要进一步咨询他们的医生/牙医, 在获得病人的医生/牙医的书面批准后,在口腔卫生诊所接受治疗. Examples of such conditions include: damaged or abnormal heart valves, specific heart conditions, organ replacements, joint replacements, uncontrolled diabetes, kidney dialysis, decreased immune system, elevated blood pressure (160/110), active infections of hepatitis or tuberculosis, active herpes infection (cold sores).
  3. 大多数客户需要多次预约(2-4次)和延长预约时间(3小时).

To promote infection control and to protect patients, 牙科卫生的学生和教师遵循目前的疾病预防控制中心指南感染控制牙科保健设置. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our students, patients, 教师 and 工作人员. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心《bet8体育娱乐入口》,口腔卫生保健机构实施了许多额外的安全措施,包括:

  1. 筛选 patients for risk factors associated with COVID-19.
  2. 确保我们的个人防护装备(PPE)适合所执行的程序, and adding additional PPE as needed such as: N95 masks, isolation barrier gowns, and face shields
  3. Using high speed evacuation for all dental hygiene procedures that produce aerosols
  4. Hand sanitizer available throughout the clinic for 工作人员 and patient use
  5. HEPA and UV-C air filtration units throughout the Dental Hygiene Care Facility
  6. Achieved compliance with ODU Environmental 健康 and 安全 policy and procedure.

牙科保健中心的开放时间为9月至6月,除 holidays, semester breaks, and Spring and Summer vacation. Facility hours vary from semester to semester according to program schedules; however, appointments are generally available during morning, afternoon and evening hours.

我们的设施位于46街1090号健康科学大楼的一楼, on the campus of Old Dominion University. The entrance to the clinic is on 46th Street. 停车 is limited; please allow extra time before your appointment to find a parking space.

服务 provided

医疗 & dental history; blood pressure; head and neck exam; oral cancer screening; periodontal disease; radiographic (x-rays); oral and systemic risk; and dental caries (cavities).

Oral prophylaxis, periodontal therapy, dental sealants, fluoride application, mouth guard, desensitization, tooth whitening, health education, laser bacterial reduction therapies.


Code Description of Treatment
A1 Calculus Class 1 35.00
A2 Calculus Class 2 40.00
A3 Calculus Class 3 50.00
A4 Calculus Class 4 80.00
A5 Calculus Class 5 100.00
D1120 Prophylaxis-Child 20.00
D0191 Assessment of a patient—fully edentulous patient 15.00
D9310 办公室会诊-对有特殊问题但不需要治疗的病人进行筛查或有限检查 15.00
  诊断 Imaging  
D0210 Intraoral—complete series of radiographic images (14-22) 35.00
D0220 Intraoral—periapical first radiographic image 5.00
D0230 Intraoral—periapical each additional radiographic image 5.00
D0240 Intraoral—occlusal radiographic image 5.00
D0270 Bitewing—single radiographic image 5.00
D0272 Bitewing—two radiographic images 10.00
D0274 Bitewing—four radiographic images 20.00
D0277 Vertical Bitewing—seven to eight images 25.00
D0330 Panoramic radiographic image 25.00
  Non-Surgical Periodontal 服务  
D4381 Localized delivery of antimicrobial agents into diseased crevicular tissue-per tooth


placement fee

D4999 Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy—full mouth 15.00
D1206 Topical application of fluoride varnish—Adults and Children 10.00
D1351 Sealant—per tooth 6.00
  Miscellaneous 服务  
D9910 Application of desensitizing medicament 10.00
D9941 Fabrication of athletic mouthguard 15.00
D9975 External bleaching for home application (w/custom trays) 100.00
D9999 Unspecified adjunctive procedure, by report (bleaching material refill) 25.00


费用是根据旧道明大学批准的最新牙科卫生诊所收费表进行评估的. 费用 will be reviewed with patients prior to beginning of treatment.

Full payment is due at the first visit.

Expenses for services will be $25 and up. Payments for radiographs, fluoride and sealants are due at the time service is rendered.

We accept VISA, 万事达卡, 发现, 美国运通, personal checks, or cash (in exact amount) as forms of payment.

ODU students, 教师, 工作人员, active military (with current ID), 那些有经济困难证明和62岁及以上的人有资格获得5美元.00 discount.


  • 社会保障或补充保障收入(SSI),附有当前的奖励信和带照片的身份证件
  • Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Temporary Assistance for Need Families (TANF) with current award letter and photo ID
  • Medicaid recipients with current award letter and photo ID

*A discount would apply only to individuals listed on current award letters.

注意: If 5 months has elapsed since the beginning of treatment, a new fee will be charged and the appointment will be treated as a re-care.

*Refunds are processed through the University Accounts Payable Department (AP). 退款将由诊所办公室经理执行,并必须得到临床事务主任的批准. Refunds are not processed for partial treatment provided.

The dental hygiene students have established schedules for patient care. Since the goal is quality dental hygiene care within a teaching/learning environment, 患者应该明白这是一个教育环境,学生的学习经验和进步取决于患者的充分合作. Everyone's time is valuable. If for some reason a patient is unable to keep an appointment, advance notice of 24 hours is required to allow the student to schedule other patients. Patients with two cancellations or no-shows will be inactivated from the care facility.

Patients may be dismissed/inactivated from the Dental Hygiene Clinic if:

  1. Two (2) appointments are cancelled for any reason.
  2. Two (2) appointments are missed without notification.
  3. 因为我们的最终目标是用可接受的教学病人来教育学生,如果教师认为病人不适合我们的教学诊所, or if a patient fails to comply with policies, the patient will be dismissed, inactivated, and referred to a community clinic or private sector.


We thank you for making an appointment with us and look forward to working with you.

牙科保健机构工作人员的目标是帮助个人消除和预防口腔疾病,保持最佳健康状态. The facility is 工作人员ed and supervised by licensed dental hygienists and dentists. Dental hygiene students, provide the oral health care, 接受过广泛的教育和培训,并在治疗公众之前具备临床服务能力.

Patients in the Dental Hygiene Clinic at Old Dominion University have the right, consistent with the law, to:

  1. Courteous, respectful, and confidential treatment
  2. 符合专业护理标准的治疗,包括使用适当的感染控制
  3. Inspect their patient record and any radiographs taken
  4. Advanced knowledge of fees and services
  5. Explanation of recommended treatment, alternate treatment options, and explanation of risks with no treatment
  6. Participate in the planning of treatment (informed consent)
  7. Refuse recommended treatment (informed refusal)
  8. Continuity of care or referral for continued care
  9. 参与实验研究前的书面知情同意和拒绝参与的权利
  10. Provide feedback, 评论, or complaints about treatment using the confidential Patient Satisfaction Survey

  1. 口腔卫生诊所不提供牙齿检查或修复需要的诊断. 服务 such as fillings, 冠, root canals, extractions, 分音, or dentures are NOT provided in the Dental Hygiene Clinic. A dentist must provide these services.
  2. 如果病人有医疗或牙科问题,需要进一步咨询他们的医生/牙医, 在获得病人的医生/牙医的书面批准后,在口腔卫生诊所接受治疗. Examples of such conditions include: damaged or abnormal heart valves, specific heart conditions, organ replacements, joint replacements, uncontrolled diabetes, kidney dialysis, decreased immune system, elevated blood pressure (160/110), active infections of hepatitis or tuberculosis, active herpes infection (cold sores).
  3. 大多数客户需要多次预约(2-4次)和延长预约时间(3小时).

To promote infection control and to protect patients, 牙科卫生的学生和教师遵循目前的疾病预防控制中心指南感染控制牙科保健设置. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our students, patients, 教师 and 工作人员. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心《bet8体育娱乐入口》,口腔卫生保健机构实施了许多额外的安全措施,包括:

  1. 筛选 patients for risk factors associated with COVID-19.
  2. 确保我们的个人防护装备(PPE)适合所执行的程序, and adding additional PPE as needed such as: N95 masks, isolation barrier gowns, and face shields
  3. Using high speed evacuation for all dental hygiene procedures that produce aerosols
  4. Hand sanitizer available throughout the clinic for 工作人员 and patient use
  5. HEPA and UV-C air filtration units throughout the Dental Hygiene Care Facility
  6. Achieved compliance with ODU Environmental 健康 and 安全 policy and procedure.

In the 网站登录

ODU dental hygiene clinic provides low-cost services for uninsured patients.